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New Winter session - Tiny Tots - Parent and Tot class for 1-2 yr olds

Spring 2025 session Registration Opens March 21, 2025 at 9 am.

Classes run April 8 - June 22


Competitive Program


Less than 5% of recreational gymnasts possess the attributes necessary for competitive gymnastics. Entry into the competitive program is by selection from the recreational program or transfer from another club's competitive program. In some cases, formal evaluations of athlete potential/skill will be done by the Competitive Coaches or designate.

Coaches are trained to identify those recreational gymnasts who show promise physically and emotionally. Once annually, usually in June, selected recreational members will be asked to attend a more formal testing session. If successful they may be suitable for our precompetitive and/or competitive gymnastics/trampoline programs, which are designed to provide focused skills development.  

Please be aware, that the competitive programs at RR Gymnastics and Trampoline Club involve training commitments, of up to 12 or more hours weekly (3 days X 4 hrs). Training fees, competitive suits, meet fees, and travel costs can be very expensive. Parents should fully understand this time and financial commitment, before undertaking entry into the competitive program.
RR Gymnastics and Trampoline Club is proud of its competitive successes. We believe that all competitive athletes can enjoy a productive and rewarding amateur career no matter what their level and progress.

As a significant amount of training time and dedication is required to produce a competitive athlete members must understand the guidelines for the competitive program. Many elements are involved in success including discipline, work ethic, respect, talent, parent support, attitude, and commitment.

Competitive Hours

Training schedules are determined by the coaching staff to ensure the maximum effectiveness of all the programs.
Regular training will consist of a scheduled number of hours during the week. (Normally 4 –15 hrs) Athletes are expected to attend all training.
Statutory holidays are non-training days unless otherwise informed. Coaches may use holidays for make-up classes caused by previous coaches’ absence, bad weather etc. No credits can be provided for athletes who miss class for personal reasons (i.e. class trips etc)
If your athlete cannot train in any capacity for a month or more, you may write the board requesting consideration for that month’s fees to be suspended. In all other cases, your commitment remains due to the program on an annual basis.

Competitive uniforms

All RR competitive gymnasts are required to purchase and wear a team uniform normally consisting of an appropriate suit and tracksuit. Early in the training year RR coaching staff will size your athlete for the appropriate uniform.

Bodysuits/shorts or Singlets will be ordered through the Club and added to your account.

 DNA Performacewear

Team Tracksuits can be ordered from LJR Imprintables

Call the Office (782) 822-6030 or (902) 765-3289

Visit Us On Site 523 Main St, Kingston, Nova Scotia, B0P 1R0