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New Winter session - Tiny Tots - Parent and Tot class for 1-2 yr olds

Spring 2025 session Registration Opens March 21, 2025 at 9 am.

Classes run April 8 - June 22


Competitive Guidelines

  • Gymnasts should be on time and ready to work for practice and competitions.
  • Parents and Gymnasts should be polite and courteous at all times when representing the club and interacting with coaches, judges, other parents, other gymnasts and clubs.
  • Parents and Gymnasts should be supportive of other gymnasts during training.
  • Gymnasts must ensure that they have all of their own supplies and accessories on hand in order to train properly (i.e. hairclips, elastics, grips, tape, wrist-bands, bodysuit, etc.)
  • Parents of a gymnast who is sick must notify the club’s office or the coach that the gymnast will not be able to attend, prior to the start of the session, and as early as possible in the case of a planned absence.
  • Gymnasts are not allowed in the gym or on the equipment unless directed by a coach.
  • The facility and its equipment must always be respected and used in a safe manner.
  • Gymnasts are expected to attend every class as absence is not beneficial to their development.
  • If an athlete must leave early, the coach must be informed.
  • Gymnasts must wear appropriate clothing to gym and hair must be neat and tied back if long. Girls are to wear bodysuits (exercise or stretch shorts are optional). No jewellery or earrings. Boys are to wear fitted T-shirts and non-baggy shorts with no zippers or buttons.
  • All injuries must be reported to the coaches immediately no matter how insignificant the injury may seem
  • Parents and gymnasts must maintain good communication with the coach. Discuss your athlete’s progress with an open mind.
  • Please ensure your child brings healthy foods for break. The coaching staff will strictly enforce this policy.
  • Current information and events are sent to competitive members by email, messenger and Facebook.
  • Please pick up your athlete on time at the gym. All pick-up arrangements (rides/carpools) must be made prior to dropping off your athlete at the gym.
  • A positive attitude, sportsmanship and above all, fairness to all, must be practiced at all times by all club members, parents and coaches.
  • Inappropriate language is not acceptable.
  • Do not bring valuables to the gym.
  • Medication such as Tylenol, aspirin, etc. will not be administered by staff.
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to inform the coaches and administrative staff of any relevant medical, personal, or emotional issues that may have occurred outside the gym.
  • Parents must ensure that athletes are dropped off inside the gym and picked up inside the gym. The Club cannot be responsible for unaccompanied children.

Parents Guidelines

The parents of a gymnast should always be supportive and positive to all athletes and coaches. The coaches’ role is to train and encourage athletes to reach their maximum potential. A parent’s role is to support this process by providing positive reinforcement.  Parental criticism regarding any element of their child’s performance or coaches approach creates a negative situation which is detrimental to the athlete’s future growth.  Parents should refrain from making technical comments or suggestions to their athlete; these could interfere with the coach’s progression sequence and confuse the gymnast.

If the parents have concerns about the progress of their athlete or certain aspects of their training, they should make an appointment with the coach to discuss the matter.  All discussions regarding athlete progress should be done before or after a training session so as not to interfere with coaching responsibilities.  Parents should not contact coaches at home except in exceptional circumstances.

Disciplinary Action

All members of RR Gymnastics and Trampoline Club are expected to display appropriate behaviour while attending classes in the gym. Please see RR Gymnastics and Trampoline Club Dispute Resolution Policy for further details on the disciplinary process.