New Winter session - Tiny Tots - Parent and Tot class for 1-2 yr olds
New March Break Camp - March 10 - 14, 2025 (9-4) Registration coming soon.
Spring 2025 session Registration Opens March 21, 2025 at 9 am.
Classes run April 8 - June 22
Competitive Registration and Fees
Accepted methods of payments are cash, cheque, Email Money Transfer (EMT), and any major credit card. EMT’s are to be sent to Fees may be paid in full but installments are available. All competitive fees MUST be paid by June 30th of the competitive year. Note training will continue for 12 months for Competitive levels, and 10 months for Pre-Competitive. Invoices are sent every 2-4 weeks until the end of the year for installments. Installment amounts are calculated by Uplifter based on the total owing.
Parents will be restricted from registering any given athlete in any given program or competition if the account has not been paid appropriately. Duplicate accounts will not be tolerated to avoid this policy.
A discount of 10% will be offered to accounts which have more than one athlete enrolled in multiple classes. This discount is to be applied to the class fee and any other associated fees.
A $20 fee will be charged for any NSF payments. All prices are in CAD.
Deferment of Fees
Since RR Gymnastics and Trampoline Club is a parent-run non-profit organization, it is not feasible for the club to support any individual member who is unable to pay training fees. However, the club acknowledges that there may be special circumstances that require consideration with regard to a deferment of fees. In such cases, the family may approach the Board of Directors to evaluate such a request.
Where Do Your Fees Go?
DID YOU KNOW? As a non-profit sports organization RR Gymnastics and Trampoline Club relies on fundraising to ensure programs are available for all members. The fees you pay for programs cover coaching wages, facilities rent and building operating expenses. In addition, we have more than $200,000 worth of equipment that requires regular maintenance and replacement due to the heavy use that it takes. For this reason we, like most sport organizations, we continually fundraise to ensure we provide the best quality programs available.
Meet Entry Fees
Entry fees for competitions generally range from $95 to $135 per meet. RR Gymnastics submits the entry fees to the host club on the athletes’ behalf and invoices the athletes account. You will be given advance notice of registration dates. Athletes must inform the club if they wish to compete at any given competition.
Pre-Competitive / Competitive Members Volunteer Commitment
Volunteer commitment is an essential part of RR Gymnastics. The parents and athletes in the competitive program have a vested interest in helping to maintain and run the club. Since RR Gymnastics is a non-profit, parent run organization, every family must take on the responsibility to do their share in helping to fundraise and volunteer in various activities. RR Gymnastics uses a simple approach in that we reward volunteer activities with rebates based on a simple formula. Competitive parents can receive up to a $100 rebate from the club at a rate of $10 per hour time donated. Rebates will only be issued at the completion of 10 hours of volunteer time.
Parents are responsible for the recording of volunteer credits in the volunteer book held in the office. Please record all activities you complete for RR Gymnastics on the appropriate page.
Volunteer activities are those activities approved by the club including:
● Board membership (meetings, committee work etc)
● Fundraising activities such as ticket sales, staffing booths, meet organization and staffing etc
● Office work as approved by the club
● Donation of skills and/or materials for maintenance of the building and equipment
We are always looking for ideas to improve RR Gymnastics. If you are interested in helping out in a special area, please let the club know.